What is Hip Prosthesis?

Hip prosthesis surgery; is to insert artificial pieces that will function as a joint by removing the deteriorated joint surfaces.

How Many Days A Patient After Hip Prosthesis Stay In Hospital?

The average duration of hospital stay after hip replacement surgery is 2-3 days, depending on the general condition of the patient and the surgical technique applied. Our preference is to treat the tissue in a respectful surgical technique by walking on the first day and, sitting on the toilet, and on the second day and moving up and down the stairs, and walking with a canadian on the third day.

After the Operation, Can Patient Walk By Using Operated Side?

Generally full load pressures are allowed, but depending on the surgical technique applied, your physician may require a partial load walk for a while.

How Many Day Should Be Used Of Crutches After Hip Prosthesis?

An average of 3-6 weeks may be required. This time varies according to the surgery and the material to be applied and according to the general condition of the person.

What kinds of materials are used in hip arthroplasty surgery?

Over time, polyethylene and ceramics have been used with many different metals in order to ensure the durability of the system and ensure its longevity. Our expert doctors will choose the most appropriate material for you.

Why his osteoarthritis occurs and what happens in the hip joined?

If inflammation for any reason in the hip joint (inflammation without germs = some elements in the blood collected in response to a certain event) is persistent it causes destruction in the articular cartilage. The joint cartilage is not a self-renewing structure and constantly progresses as the process begins. When the joint cartilage, which is normally slippery and smooth, is injured, it tapers and the damage progresses to the underlying bone tissue.

When the cartilaginous tissue is completely disappeared, the bones at the bottom come out and begin to rub each other. The nerve endings that are released are stimulated so severe neuropathic pain occurs and also crepitation due to friction can also be heard. Over time, movements are restricted and shortness of leg may develop.

What Are the Pain Characteristics in a Patient with Hip Osteoarthritis?

The main complaint of patients is pain. The pain is usually felt in the groin region and the thigh, and sometimes it is felt inside part of the knee. The pain initially increases with activity, that is, with walking, and decreases with rest. As the patients walk, they lean towards the osteoarthritis side. As the time progresses and the illness progresses, painless walking distance shortens, later the patients cannot walk without pain and at the end point, patients feel night pain.

Who is commonly seen with his osteoarthritis?

The role of genetics is great in some varieties of hip osteoarthritis, but it is unclear which gene is associated with which gene it is inherited. However, some of the risk factors include traumas, accidents, overweight, working under heavy loads, hip dislocation, and height difference in the legs. In addition, femur head avascular necrosis, which is a disease due to folding-nutritional disorder of the hip, also causes arthritis in the hips.

Risk factors for femur head avascular necrosis include cortisone use, hip trauma, hip fractures, some blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and excessive alcohol consumption.

How is Hip Osteoarthritis diagnosed?

Often, the doctor can have a great sense of opinion by listening carefully to patients what they are saying. The diagnosis is made by physical examination and becomes definite by taking an X-ray film.

Generally, no other assay or test is required, but in some cases the MR is required for diagnosis and differential diagnosis, for example in the early stages of avascular necrosis of the femur head.

Is there any medical treatment for hip Osteoarthritis?

Pain killers may have effect on the early stages treatment of hip osteoarthritis, but it should not be forgotten that these drugs are only effective in the early stages and have no therapeutic properties. In the later stages of the disease, the patient complains of pain despite the drugs.

It should also be kept in mind that such medicines may cause serious problems in organs such as stomach, kidney and liver in chronic use.

What is the ance of Exercise in Hip Osteoarthritis?

In general, those who are vigorous and have no additional problems with normal weight are more resistant to the problems caused by osteoarthritis, and the post-operative healing process is much faster. However, we cannot say that exercise alone prevents osteoarthritis.

To whom we apply hip arthroplasty procedure?

Hip hip arthroplasty is an operation to relief the pain of the patient and increase the quality of life. If the person's pain persists despite conservative methods - medicine, exercise etc. - hip surgery should be considered if the daily activities are restricted due to pain, if the night's sleep is irregular, if it affects the social life.

When and at which age the hip arthroplasty should be done?

For the hip prosthesis, the operation will depend primarily on the patient itself. If patient says; my pain does not affect me very much, I sleep comfortably, I am comfortable with my work, I have no problem when I sit up, I can sit comfortably at the toilet. It maybe early for operation choice. But if patient says that all of these activities are painful, it's time for surgery.

However, hip arthroplasty overall age is after 60 years old, if the other treatment options are not available in younger patients, hip arthroplasty is also an alternative treatment.

What Happens Without Surgery in Hip Osteoarthritis?

Hip osteoarthritis is not a disease that will regress spontaneously. Any medication or any other physical therapy cannot treat the disease. The pain of the patient increases with time, sometimes shortness occurs on the side effected.

Different forms of gait can be seen due to the pain, and this develops pain in the other body parts of the patient especially back and knees. The drugs used cause disorders in different organs and as a result, a disease, which can be resulted extremely good by a single operation can be very complicated and difficult.

How is Hip Arthroplasty Procedure done?

It is mainly performed in two ways as 'minimally invasive' and 'conventional'. The difference is the incision length and the auxiliary instruments used during the operation. The traditional method is a tried and accepted method that has been carried out for many years with about 15-20 cm skin incision and so far the success rate of this method has been very high.

Minimally invasive method has recently been applied. Prosthesis type and the material is the same. A shorter cut is made with the help of special tools. The need for post-operative blood transfusions and hospital stay is less than the conventional, although not scientifically proven yet. However, since this approach does not clearly show the hip joint during surgery, and because a narrower area has to be studied, the difficulty of placing the prosthesis in a poor position is more frequent than the conventional method.

As a result, dislocations, fractures around the prosthesis and nerve injuries are more likely to occur in postop period. Patients should know all these and make choices accordingly. The main purpose of orthopedic surgery is to provide painless function, cosmetics should always be considered in the second plan.

What is surface arthroplasty?

Surface arthroplasty is a method of providing a new articular surface by placing only a metallic implant to femur head for to the femur head avascular necrosis. In the femur head avascular necrosis, core decompression, grafting and bone correction operations are an option in the early period, but hip prosthesis is needed in the last period.

However, this method of preserving the bone is a good option when the femur head's avascular necrosis of the femur head is affected but acetabulum will not be deteriorated. It is ant to maintain bone because the patients are usually younger. Success is 60-70%. In the future, it allows us do pass hip arthroplasty.

How is Rate of Success in Hip Arthroplasty?

The success rate for long-term follow-up after hip replacement is 90%. Pain is mostly absent. They can easily walk without any aid and perform non-contact sports.

Can Hip Prosthesis Be Outdate?

Just as all the structures in the body and the human body have a life span, the hip prosthesis has also a life span. The use will vary depending on the material used and the quality of the surgeon, but it is generally not expected to be a problem for 20-25 years.

What Should Be Done When Hip Prosthesis Became Outdate?

As in every prosthesis, also hip prosthesis requires revision after a certain period of time. That is, the prosthesis that is placed is replaced by the new one. Revision surgeries are always a bigger surgery than the first surgery, but the results are good.

What are the risks of hip arthroplasty surgery?

It should not be forgotten that no surgical intervention is risk free. The risks of hip replacement surgery are mainly; infection, blood clot formation (emboli), bleeding, complications related to drugs used. In addition, dislocation, loosening of the prosthesis, fractures around the prosthesis are also possible complications.

The overall complication rate is around 5%. Most are treatable problems. What is ant and necessary is to take precautions to prevent these complications. If the patient and the additional problems of the patient are well assets in the preoperative period, taking necessary precautions, using blood thinners, will minimize complications applying varicose socks, giving appropriate antibiotics before and after surgery.

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